Remembrance Day At Stuarts Point

Stuarts Point Primary School students at the Service.

A STRONG congregation of locals converged at the cenotaph in Stuarts Point for the annual Remembrance Day service at 11am on Friday 11 November, with the silence and reverence induced by the bugle sounding.

Prominently located in the centre of the village, opposite the newly refurbished library and community hall, the cenotaph is also handy to the Stuarts Point Primary School, whose students once again were able to introduce and conduct the service.

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“Our School Captains and SRC represented the school at our community Remembrance Day service at the cenotaph.

“Our school captains did us proud as they led the service and laid the wreath in honour of all the Australian soldiers who lost their lives from all wars and conflicts.

“As a school we take great pride in acknowledging and paying respect for these significant events,” a Stuarts Point Primary School representative said.

Wayne Mason from the Stuarts Point RSL sub-Branch commended the students on their involvement.

“It’s great to have our commemorative services back to some form of normality after the couple of years of Covid restrictions, and the children, with great support from their teachers, did a fantastic job of running the service.”

Mr Mason also spoke of the many achievements of previous Stuarts Point Primary and Macksville High School students.

“We have a beautiful, productive and supportive school and community that is proud of the success of our young people, while showing respect for our place in history.”

Stuarts Point P&C are also pleased to announce they are hoping to be able to get their canteen back up and running in 2023.

“For this to happen we need willing volunteers to donate their time.

“Time donated can be as little as once a term.

“If you know any mums, dads, grandmas, grandpas or even an aunty or uncle that might help, please get in touch with us,” a P&C representative said.



The Stuarts Point Primary School Captain and Vice-Captain.

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