Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club

First runner up Teresa King, second runner up Kerry Slater and winner Merryl Kyburz.

ON the lovely morning of Tuesday 16 August, 26 ladies arrived at Safety Beach golf course to play a stableford event and Shootout qualifier.

Unfortunately, a hail storm arrived just prior to the end of the competition, but everyone persevered and finished their games.

Winner was Merryl Kyburz 37pts, 1st runner up Teresa King 33pts on c/b, 2nd runner up Kerry Slater also on c/b from 3rd runner up Carole Stone.

NTP 4th Glenda Kennedy, 9th Wendy Rogers and 11th Gaile Mackenzie.

Thank you Kerry Slater for donating the raffle won by Merrin Wingfield.

A reminder that Pro Terry is offering ‘Give Golf A Go’ beginners clinics but please register your interest with Terry at the Pro Shop.

Adults each Tuesday 10am to 11am.

Mixed each Friday 10am to 11am (each clinic $15).

Junior mixed Tuesday 4.30pm to 5.30pm $5 and kids 7 – 14yo Friday 4.30pm to 5.30pm also $5.

A wonderful way to get young ones into golf.

Thank you Terry.

Terry has a good range of equipment and clothing to get you underway and Safety Beach Golf Club is a very friendly club so come and join us.

The driving range and practice green are available for use any time and ground staff are constantly working to keep the course in great shape.

See you out there.

By Marilyn ELY

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