SSAA Benchrest

Darren Parsons receiving his trophy from Rod Madeley.

THE annual Bananacoast Championships, which have traditionally been held every year for around 40 years starting the third week in August have been cancelled the last two years due to Covid which is still impacting on competitor numbers attending major shoots.

Weather was cold both days of 2022’s Bananacoast Championship, but was still sunny and the wind only troubled on Sunday.

All shooters enjoyed the weekend, the event went off with no problems.

A big thank you to all our volunteers, without their support these events would not eventuate.

Some great results were shot best scores in the LB were 100yds John Garland with a .103. 200yds Steve Sori with a .213.

Darren Parsons from Newcastle broke the Australian record in HB 100yds and Grand Agg, his scores at 100yds were .188, .086, .108, .061, .169 for a total of .1224 breaking the 100yds record.

At 200yds his scores were .395, .410, .670, .418, .415 for a total of .2308 and a Grand Agg of .1766.

Local shooters who figured in LB were Alistair McMillan who came in 2nd in the Grand Agg with a score of .2661.

Peter Fleming 6th with .2940. Ray Beavis 7th with .2940.

Wayne Munro 9th with .3011. HB: Barry Warwick 6th with .3060.

Alistair McMillan 7th with .3104. LB 100yds, 200yds and Grand Agg was Paul Sullivan from Queensland with .1224, .2201 and a Grand Agg of .2141.

Top 5 in all classes were as follows: 100yds LB Paul Sullivan .2080. Ray Beavis .2158 (local shooter). Steve Sori .2512. Wayne Munro (local shooter). John Garland.

200yds: Paul Sullivan .2201. Alistair McMillan (local shooter) .2468. John Babic .2668. Jason Armstrong .2824. Steve Sori .2877. Grand Agg: Paul Sullivan .2141. Alistair McMillan .2661. John Babic .2680. Steve Sori .2694. Barry Nichols .2926.

HB 100yds: Darren Parsons .1224 (new record). Alex Chryss .2454. Barry Warwick (local shooter) .2518. Ken Eppleston .2528. Alistair McMillan (local shooter) .2632.

200yds: Darren Parsons .2308. John Babic .2622. Barry Nichols .3016. Peter Armstrong .3134. Alex Chryss .3165. Grand Agg: Darren Parsons .1766 (new record).

John Babic .2775. Alex Chryss .2809. Barry Nicholls .2836. Ken Eppleston .3045.

2 gun: Darren Parson .2356 (new record).John Babic .2727. Barry Nichols .2881. Alistair McMillan .2883. Paul Sullivan .3123. Alex Chryss .3134. Steve Sori .3216. Ean Parsons .3223. John Garland .3225. Robin Elton .3228.

Peter Fleming .3233. Wayne Munro .3257. Jason Armstrong .3260. Ray Beavis .3280. Ken Eppleston .3389. Barry Warwick .3428. Peter Armstrong .3513. Bob Cook .3523. Mark Tallar .3763. Kerry Richards .3797. Gary Hunt .3935.

Damien Gray .3957. Max Coady .6192.


Alistair McMillan receiving his trophy from Rod Madeley.

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