Safety Beach Women’s Golf Club

Julie Castle, Lyn Reilly, Kim Batty, Michelle Merrikin, Teresa King, Leanne Clark.

ON Tuesday 14 March thirty two ladies braved the heat and played a combined Coloured Ball 18 hole stableford and Shootout qualifier on Safety Beach golf course.

Only two coloured ball teams of four players completed their game with the coloured ball they started with.

Winning team was Lyn Reilly, Teresa King, Kim Batty and Michelle Merrikin with 27pts, runners-up Merryl Kyburz, Karen Bellamy, Leanne Clark and Lexine Bailey 24pts.

Winner of the shootout qualifier was Julie Castle 39pts, runner-up Leanne Clark 36pts.

Two new members of our club, Julie Castle and Michelle Merrikin were welcomed and recognised for their competent play on the day.

Unfortunately I don’t have the NTP winners and apologize sincerely to those winners.

Don’t forget to watch the notice board and nominate for visits you may wish to participate in. There are many lovely courses to visit and friendships to make.

Pro Terry is able to give lessons and provide clothing and equipment and can be contacted at the Pro Shop.

There is a 9 hole 2 Person Ambrose playable on Thursdays, just make sure you nominate if you wish to play.

Come and join our very friendly club.

By Marilyn ELY

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