Sandy the Echidna returns to the wild thanks to locals and WIRES

Sandy the rescued puggle at two months old.

A MID NORTH COAST Echidna that had a tough start to life is about to be released back into the bush thanks to the concerned citizen that rescued him, and WIRES carer Jennie Simmons.

In early January this year a worker who was slashing grass at Sandy Beach, just South of Woolgoolga, noticed an injured baby echidna, or ‘puggle’ as they are known, and contacted WIRES Mid North Coast.

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A WIRES Mid North Coast Echidna specialist, Jennie Simmons, swung into action and began the task of ensuring the puggle had a chance at survival and took the youngster, now known as Sandy, to her property in Tamban near Eungai Creek.

The experienced Jennie Simmons, who over the years has cared for more than 30 sick, injured or orphaned echidnas, told News Of The Area, “ Sandy was fed a special Echidna mix developed by Wombaroo in South Australia however for a short time had difficulties with feeding and veterinary assistance was required for him to be tube fed.”

Jennie has a purpose built Echidna enclosure on her property and as Sandy grew he was introduced into the enclosure where conditions and food sources mimic what he would encounter in the wild.

“At two months old, Sandy has been the youngest echidna I have had in my care; however I often have adult and juvenile echidnas who have been hit by cars, have been attacked by domestic pets or have diseases.

“This is the time of year when echidnas are out and about however, as they are nocturnal they are seldom seen, but are crossing roads at night.”

Although Sandy will be released back into the wild over the next few weeks so many Echidnas are not as fortunate as Sandy.

When it comes to caring for our echidnas Jennie has asked that our readers please note the following:
– If you hit an echidna with your car, please report it to WIRES with the exact location as there may be a puggle nearby and WIRES carers may be able to locate it.

– If you find an echidna on your property or bailed up by your dog, please contain the dog and you will find the echidna will depart under the cover of darkness.

– Lastly, echidnas are territorial and should not be relocated as they are likely to make their way home, thus risk being hit by cars while crossing roads.

If you see any sick, injured or orphaned wildlife call WIRES NSW 1300 094 737 or you can report online at


Jennie Simmons and Sandy, now ten months old, ready to be released back into the wild.

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