Stinker’s Fishin’: Big flatties landed

Leanne Jensen struggled with her 91cm flathead before releasing the big fish.

FOR the past fifteen years or so recreational and many commercial fishers have been releasing big flathead back into the Port Stephens system.

Long before the current law of a maximum size limit of 70cm was imposed by NSW Fisheries, locals took the step of releasing all big flathead.

Recent reports suggest that we are now reaping the rewards of our efforts as more big flatties are being landed.

We have realised that the big flathead are better in the water than the kitchen.

The big fish, all egg laying female flathead, take shelter in the warm shallows from Shoal Bay to the upper reaches of the Myall, Karuah and Tilligerry systems and can be caught right throughout the port.

Corlette champion Leanne Jensen wrestled this thumping 91cm lizard (pictured) around the Salamander wreck.

A few quick snaps then the fish was gently released to fight another day.

Off the beach, Stockton champ David ‘Old Schoie’ Schofield continues to bounce cracker winter bream up the beach.

Using pipis for bait, Schoie tosses just short of the whitewater, sets his rod in a holder and waits for the rod to buckle over.

I have heard that the pipi population on Stockton Beach is slowly recovering.

Send me a report if you have been on the beach recently

By John ‘Stinker’ CLARKE

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