Arrested for seven times over the limit at Tea Gardens Tea Gardens, Hawks Nest by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 23, 2016 AT around 3.30pm Sunday 17 July, police received a number of phone calls in relation to a green Toyota ECHO hatchback being driven by a female who appeared to be intoxicated. It was said to Police that the vehicle was being driven very erratically. Police responded from Tea Gardens and located the
Three arrested over deliberate fires State by News Of The Area - Modern Media - July 14, 2016July 14, 2016 Police have arrested two teenagers and a man after they allegedly lit several fires in bushland at Bidwill last night. About 10.30pm (Tuesday 12 July 2016), police were called to Cupania Crescent after officers from Fire & Rescue NSW extinguished a number of small spot fires in the area and observed
Six men charged with murder following Fairfield East death National News State by News Of The Area - Modern Media - June 20, 2016 Six men arrested over the death of a man who was assaulted and stabbed on a public street in Sydney’s south-west in December last year have now been charged with murder. Emergency services were called to Belmore Street, Fairfield East, following reports of a man being assaulted and stabbed at the