Tea Gardens Hawks Nest Progress Association report by Gordon Grainger outlines recent television coverage

The dredge on the river.


THE Covid 19 restrictions are having an adverse effect in holding regular meetings, however we have not been sitting still and are pleased to report that the Progress Association (PA) can provide updates on a number of community issues.

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On Sunday 24 May, NBN television reporter, Steven Mount conducted 3 stories of topical interest which were aired on the 6pm news.

The first was to do with the Singing Bridge, which is showing age, lack of maintenance and most importantly the rapidly developing safety issues involving cycling on the bridge carriageway. Motorised scooters need to negotiate a very narrow footpath and are unable to pass from opposite directions. The coverage was excellent with a committee member, Leigh Allen, going down in history as our first Hawks Nest resident being pursued by a Mountie. For those who may not have seen the news clip, it can be located by Googling https://www.nbnnews.com.au/2020/05/24/singing-bridge-out-of-tune-with-cyclists/

It is expected Council engineers will address this problem at the next Traffic Committee meeting anticipated in June and will also be attended by our State Member Ms. Washington as well as members of Council, Police and RMS.
The second TV news item dealt with the Tea Gardens Hotel, starring Ben Hanson with the great news that the hotel will reopen on 1 June. It will need to meet the attendance and distancing rules. Under Ben and Emily’s ownership, the hotel is a family friendly, welcome venue and a plus for the community.

The news story can be found by Googling https://www.nbnnews.com.au/2020/05/24/taps-open-at-tea-gardens-hotel/.

The third story was to do with the pending dredging of the eastern channel, providing fresh sand for Jimmys Beach sand renourishment and the flow of fresh oceanic water into the river and lake system.

The dredge is now in the water and begins work within the week. It is anticipated to stay until end September and will provide quick and safe access to the Port for recreational craft as well as maintaining our river in its pristine condition
That story can be accessed through https://www.nbnnews.com.au/2020/05/24/myall-river-dredging-starts-next-month/

Amongst other issues, we can report that Tea Gardens Ferry Service will resume the Nelson Bay, Tea Gardens service as from 1 June. It will need to meet the social distancing rules and the resumption of visitors will be a welcome sight for our business houses.

The Progress Association recently applied for a Commonwealth grant to rectify a badly eroding section of foreshore along Marine Drive and including Anzac Park. Our Federal Member Dr. David Gillespie, has advised the funds have been approved, monies will shortly be provided and the work carried out by Council. The erosion stretches from the Boatshed to the Maritime Office. Consideration needs to be given to the Lazy Paddles kayaking business as well as positioning of small boats adjacent to the Slipway. Council will need to obtain approvals from several State Govt. agencies.

The Art Group has prepared prototype plaques for the naming of the 3 public wharves along the waterfront. Council needs to approve the final proofs before the plaques can be installed, which may take a few months.

Earlier this year, PA was addressed by Kirk Dahle from the Dept. of Fisheries regarding the building of 2 artificial oyster reefs for experimental purposes, one near Pindimar, the second near Karuah. Those reefs required over 3000 tonnes of rock which was stored on the old ferry ramp in Hawks Nest and caused some consternation. We are pleased to advise that no damage was incurred to the ramp, access for fisherpersons is back to normal and Kirk advises the experiment has been a success. A plus for the industry, receiving wide acclaim and he has promised to make a return visit to the PA next year.

The PA is a seed funder of Myall Coast Radio fm 87.8 which will shortly be setting up a studio and be on air August / Sept.

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