Tea Gardens Men’s Bowling Club News

2023 Minor Singles Champion Neil Kibble and runner up Peter Campbell.


Having recently watched numerous episodes of the Yorkshire Vet, it seems appropriate that this week’s bowls were sponsored by the Tea Gardens Veterinary Hospital.

It was a lovely day for playing bowls and 52 players faced our greens today with both surfaces in play.

The grass was a little bit slow, and a lot of short ends were played but the overall number of comments were positive.

Thanks to our green keepers for preparing the surface and overcoming the issues they encountered.

The morning game was decided by the “Lowest winning score” and Chris Fredericks and Daryl Martin were the winners with a score of 10.

A 3-end countback was required.

The afternoon game was decided by the “Highest winning score” and with a score of 17, and a 4-end countback saw Rick Islaub, John Moore and Roman Bondaruk take the money.

The overall winners on the day were Greg Smith, Leigh Hunt, and Neil Kibble with a total score of 32.

One team dropped an “8” yesterday and it was close to a “9”.

No names but it made for some fun after the game.

The Garden Eatery voucher was won by Rick Islaub.

Our thanks to the Garden Eatery for their support.

22 April

In the open gender Pennant competition, round 8 was played today with mixed results.

The First National Grade 5 Dolphins played Beresfield at home and recorded a good 10-0 win to keep their sectional playoff hopes alive.

All Teams had comfortable wins and the Master Board score favoured Tea Gardens 66-47.

The First National Grade 6 Dolphins played away at Karuah and they recorded a 10-0 win and an emphatic Master Board total 87-35.

Grade 6 remains in 4th place on the Sectional ladder.

The First National Grade 7 Dolphins played away at East Maitland with the side “blooding” some players who are new to Pennant play.

One team managed a commendable 22-22 draw and the remaining two teams fought hard but were out bowled against their more formidable opponents.

Tea Gardens lost the Master Board 45-82.

Despite the loss Grade 7 remain in 4th place on the Sectional ladder.

23 April

The final of the Minor Singles was played today with Neil Kibble taking on Peter Campbell.

Both players did well making the final with Neil nearly toppled by the up-and-coming Tony Butler and Peter beating the very consistent Geoffrey Muggleton in earlier rounds.

Unfortunately, I was unable to see the match but the score of 25-7 in Neil’s favour indicates that his past impressive experience told in the end.

Peter has been playing some particularly good bowls lately and has vastly improved his game.

Today’s match will do much to add to his experience.

Congratulations to Neil, Peter and all those who participated.

In other news.

There has been a good response to the nominations for the Club Mixed Pairs but with several male nominations still requiring partners.

It would be great to have these places filled.


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