Tea Gardens Men’s Shed fix chair trolley for school

Tea Gardens-Hawks Nest Men’s Shed has come to the aid of Tea Gardens Public School with a work project that stemmed from a School Parliament sitting.

Ian Robinson, Mark Clemson and Grant Hickey
Ian Robinson, Mark Clemson and Grant Hickey

Trolleys used to move chairs around the school had fallen into disrepair with basically ‘the wheels falling off’ several and failing on others.

At a recent sitting of School Parliament a motion was moved for the repair of the trolleys and the Men’s Shed was identified as a possible source of help.

Principal Mark Clemson made the initial contact and the project took off.

“Due to the costs involved, it looked like a major work until the Men’s Shed came to the rescue with the ability to conduct the work at basically a cost only quote.”

“Their assistance has seen the work completed in a community spirited way which has helped the school get much needed work done without the huge expense otherwise required.”

Grant Hickey of the Men’s Shed said,”This project showcases our ability to help our local community groups with our expertise and time which we are happy to provide.”

“We are community based and our aim is to help those groups in need of help in a cost effective way.”

Good work to all involved and don’t forget to drop by the Men’s Shed and get a feel of the comradery available to all interested in helping and getting their hands a bit dirty.

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