The Wildlife Twins Educate and Fascinate at the Macksville Library

Wildlife Twin Sophie Thomson showing one of her reptile friends to Aria Wrobel, Luca Kelly, Casper Ryitt and Theodore Ryitt at the Macksville Library last week.

FOLLOWING on from the highly successful Drumming Workshop, the Macksville Library provided another amazing school holiday event for local families last week when they hosted a live wildlife show presented by the Wildlife Twins.

The Wildlife Twins are the North Coast’s own Sophie and Bridget Thomson who showcase some of Australia’s awesome wildlife, highlighting the amazing abilities these animals have developed to enable them to survive in Australia’s harsh environments.

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During the show this dynamic duo enthralled the large audience with a number of reptiles with an emphasis on looking after our precious wildlife and their environment.

The identical twin sisters delivered their important message to the all-ages gathering with plenty of humour and children were able to get a close up look at the snakes and lizards at the end of the show.

News Of The Area spoke to one half of the Wildlife Twins, Bridget Thomson, who said, “Our shows are all about causing a spark in the minds of our audience so they know there are little things they can do to protect our wildlife.”

Manager of the Macksville Library, Mr Wes McQuillan, told News Of The Area, “The Wildlife Twins show has been very popular and we were booked out today.

“Just like last week’s Drumming workshop, this show was enabled by a grant under the NSW Government Holiday Break Program and we are looking forward to the Christmas School Holiday break where we will be offering more holiday fun that you might not expect to find at a library.”


Learning about Australia’s amazing wildlife from Wildlife Twin Bridget Thomson at the Macksville Library are Tansy Coolombe, Allia Denshire Memphis Johnstone Violet Mason and Kai Mason.

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