U3A’s “Humour” Presentation Tickles Funny Bone

John Fitzgerald.
John Fitzgerald.

Dear News Of The Area,

Brian Jones and John Fitzgerald’s recent U3A presentation on “humour” was truly good for the soul.

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Unfortunately, many of us need a gentle reminder that Laughter is good for our health.

Even if laughter is just a distraction from how we really feel, it can still make a difference.

Endorphins are the body’s natural painkiller and these are released when triggered by smiling or laughing. Laughter has also been proven to reduce heart attacks and improve our general health.

It just makes us feel better to laugh.

In Brian and John’s presentation they emphasised that on a medical basis, laughter is good for our health and that “a merry heart doeth good like a medicine, but a broken spirit drieth the bones.”

They conspired to tickle our funny bones and have us laughing in the aisles, and from all accounts, they certainly succeeded!

A packed audience in The Old Library enjoyed an avalanche of hilarious gags and film clips from a galaxy of famous international TV and movie stars from Danny Kaye to The Marx Brothers; Morecombe and Wise to the black humour of Dr. Strangelove.

The happy conclusion to this enjoyable light-hearted presentation was “Always look on the bright side of Life!”
Please join us at The Old Library, Hawks Nest each Friday during term time for two hours of stimulating presentations, discussion and camaraderie.

Welcome to all.

Lyn Chaikin
Hawks Nest

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