Yarrahapinni Walkers Celebrate 25th Anniversary

Audrey Rogers and Daughter Lucille cut the cake.

YARRAHAPINNI residents Heather Johnson, Ruby Lenane and Gwen Harradine initiated the walking group in 1997, with the first walk at Grassy Head and, as time passed, Audrey Rogers and Ruby Lenane took charge when the original walkers retired.

This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the Yarrahapinni Walkers group, and a cake cutting celebration was held recently with Audrey Rogers and Daughter Lucille doing the honours.

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Sunday and Thursday one hour walks, commencing at 8am, have been enjoyed ever since then, including a monthly morning tea, and a record of participant names is sent monthly to the National Heart Foundation’s Walking Program.

Popular with walkers from Stuarts Point, Eungai and Yarrahapinni, destinations include beaches, fire trails, local towns and country roads, and occasionally locations further afield.

Noel Harradine, Gwen’s son, has mapped out at least 36 trails for the walkers to enjoy healthy exercise and the area’s beautiful environments.

Lyn Maloney, who is in charge of the group’s Facebook page, said, “I am currently the recorder of names to send to the Heart Foundation and have been part of the Walking Group for quite a few years.”

The group welcomes walkers of all ages to join in, improve their fitness levels and meet new friends while delighting in the fantastic local scenery.

For more information or enquiries contact Audrey on 6569 0674, Noel on 6569 0241, Lyn on 0427 690 986 or connect with the group on Facebook @Yarrahapinni Walkers.


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