$10 million committed to repair and rehabilitate Port Stephens roads

Local roads are set to benefit from the delivery of NSW Government funding.

DELIVERING on a pre-election promise, the NSW Government has committed $10 million over three years to repair and rehabilitate local roads in Port Stephens.

The funding will be allocated to the pavement rehabilitation of ten roads including Tomaree Road at Shoal Bay, Fairlands Road at Medowie and road widening and sealing of East Seaham Road at East Seaham.

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Welcoming the funding commitment, Port Stephens Deputy Mayor Leah Anderson said road users will see “noticeable differences to key road networks over the next two financial years”.

“This $10 million commitment will enable us to allocate additional resources to deliver upgrades to local roads that we wouldn’t have otherwise been able to deliver.

“A high-quality road network not only increases safety, it reduces congestion and helps improve connections by allowing the community to move around Port Stephens more effectively,” Cr Anderson added.

Member for Port Stephens Kate Washington acknowledged the financial strain on councils to maintain safe and usable road networks.

“Roads are deteriorating and we know local governments need assistance to address road maintenance backlogs,” Ms Washington said.

“I look forward to seeing the successful delivery of many local road projects and the benefits it will bring to the community.”

Council has allocated an additional $3 million to road maintenance and urgent repair works and redeployed resources to manage contractor crews, increasing the number of potholes and road maintenance that can occur.

To read more about Council’s road maintenance program visit pscouncil.info/road-maintenance.

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