1st Scouts group Bulahdelah tackle the Ninja Parc

1st Bulahdelah Joeys and Cubs stepping up and tackling the challenges at Ninja Parc.

THE 1st Bulahdelah Joeys Cubs and Scouts attended the Ninja Parc Gym in Cooks Hill, Newcastle recently.

The outing was a part of their third term activities, and there was excellent attendance by all Groups.

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The outing was overseen by group leaders Beth Paton (Malu), Benny Paton (Freckle) Joeys and Cubs Scouts, Nicky Hammerl (Kingfisher), Shane Griffis (Cruizer) and parents from all groups.

The troop met at the 1st Bulahdelah Scouts Hall and carpooled to Ninja Parc.

Shane Griffis told News Of The Area, “Once at Ninja Parc the group was met by our instructor Alex who showed the kids the ropes.

“The first activity was tackling the climbing walls where some of the Joeys opted out due to the height until they saw all the fun they were missing and raced to don the harnesses and join the fun.

“All the kids were amazing in their efforts to conquer these obstacles, especially the Joeys and Cubs.”

It was then onto the ‘Ninja’ course where they attempted lots of different aspects of the course, including rope swings, block hops, rings, the glass walls and vertical walls – which were conquered by many of the kids in an awesome display of physical agility.

The Joeys had Scout leader Shane Griffis (Cruizer) in total awe of their determination.

Scout leader Nicky Hammerl (Kingfisher) had a watchful eye out to ensure that all the kids made it home in one piece as well as enjoying the kids displaying true Joey, Cubs and Scouts grit.

“There were lots of thrills and spills throughout the night,” Shane said.

“After the night closed we called into McDonalds Williamtown for a bite to eat then road tripped back to Bulahdelah, dropping members of the group home along the way.”

The leaders of the 1st Bulahdelah Joeys, Cubs and Scouts would like to thank all the parents, carers and family members that attended and used their cars as transport for their continued support of this great group of kids.

1st Bulahdelah Scouts are on the lookout for new leaders for all groups and parent helpers.

“We are struggling to recruit these positions and would appreciate anyone who could fill these roles.

“If we can’t fill these roles in the near future then there’s a possibility that we may have to close down, this is a great community group and it would be a shame to see it come to that.”

If anyone is interested in applying for a position no prior training is necessary as it will be provided by Scouts Australia.

Visit the 1st Bulahdelah Scouts Facebook page to make enquiries, or email Nicky at nickyworks@gmail.com or Shane at grumpz68@gmail.com to find out more about Scouts.


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