Corporal Sean Sullivan to celebrate Father’s Day at home with his family

Corporal Sean Sullivan to celebrate Father’s Day at home with his family
FAMILY: Sean Sullivan and his daughters Polly, Mindy and Annie are looking forward to Father’s Day.

FATHER’S Day will be special this year for Corporal Sean Sullivan as he will be spending the day at home in Bulahdelah with his wife Ren and four daughters.

Sean has served in the RAAF as an Avionics Technician for 11 years and has missed many special family occasions, including Father’s Day last year due to deployment.

Sean told News Of The Area, in any given year he can be away from home for up to six months.

“It’s very difficult because you miss out on so much time with your family,” he said.

“I’ve missed two Christmases and everyone’s birthday at least once during the time I’ve been away.”

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Sean said when he is serving on a long mission, his thoughts are constantly of his family and he counts down the days until he can return home and see them.

Daughter’s Mindy, Polly, Annie and Josie keep in constant contact with their father through phone calls, social media and emails.

Thirteen-year old Annie said her father “is definitely one of a kind because he’s so caring.”

“He’s always there for me even when he is away,” Annie said.

“I can give him a call at any time and he will help me with anything I need including my homework.”

Eleven-year old Polly told News Of The Area her father’s sense of humour is one of the many qualities she admires.

“His ‘Dad’ jokes are really bad but they make me laugh so much,” Polly said.

“Dad thinks they are really funny though, and he always laughs too.”

For six-year old Mindy, it’s the simple things she misses the most when her father is away.

“I love kicking the football in the backyard and jumping on the trampoline with Dad,” Mindy said.

“But I miss him tucking me in at night and reading me a story when he’s away, Dad loves Dr Seuss books and so do I.”

The girls are making sure Father’s Day will be very special with plans well underway for a family day together.

Breakfast in bed, a gift and a family picnic at the beach are all part of the special day planned.

Sean said the best gift of all was being home.

“I’m definitely looking forward to Father’s Day this year, because I’ll be with my family,” he said.




FAMILY: Sean Sullivan and his daughters Polly, Mindy and Annie are looking forward to Father’s Day.
FAMILY: Sean Sullivan and his daughters Polly, Mindy and Annie are looking forward to Father’s Day.


FAMILY: Sean Sullivan and his daughters Polly, Mindy and Annie are looking forward to Father’s Day.(left) TOGETHER: Sean Sullivan is always there for his daughter Annie.(right)
FAMILY: Sean Sullivan and his daughters Polly, Mindy and Annie are looking forward to Father’s Day.(left) TOGETHER: Sean Sullivan is always there for his daughter Annie.(right)


SPECIAL TIME: Sean Sullivan and his daughter Polly.  (left) TOGETHER: Sean Sullivan with his daughter Mindy.(right)
SPECIAL TIME: Sean Sullivan and his daughter Polly. (left) TOGETHER: Sean Sullivan with his daughter Mindy.(right)

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