Gloucester Croquet wraps up 2024 National News Property/Sports/Opinion - popup ad Sport Sport Results by News Of The Area - Modern Media - January 7, 2025 President Ash with Chris and Bev (Doubles runners-up). GLOUCESTER Croquet celebrated the end of the 2024 year with a good roll-up meeting at Club Gloucester for fellowship over drinks followed by a delicious traditional Christmas lunch. Dessert followed. President Ashleigh Hickman then gave a brief round up of what had been another successful and enjoyable year both within our Mid North Coast group and at club level. She concluded by expressing thanks to all for their contribution and participation, mentioning particularly the participation and success of some of our newer members. Ashleigh then presented medals to the winners of our main club competitions for the year. Club Champion (singles): Ken Gosson, with the runner-up Chris Sims. Handicap Singles: Winner: Greg Bell with the Runner-up again Chris Sims. The Club Doubles, also a handicapped event, was won by Ashleigh Hickman and Greg Bell while the runners-up were Bev Fagan and Chris Sims. Another noteworthy winner for the 2024 year was Chris Sims who, together with his drawn partner from the Forster club, won their block in the 3rd Gloucester Masters Games, played in November. This was Chris’ second win, having been a winner in his Block last year. Ashleigh congratulated the winners and wished all a safe and Happy Christmas. Golf Captain Bev then reiterated by adding her congratulations to the winners and runners up, whilst also acknowledging all members for their participation. Bev thanked particularly those who had assisted with competition preparation, timekeeping and the many tasks associated with competition preparation. She concluded by wishing all a Merry Christmas and a safe and happy New Year. Croquet will now be in recess until 26th January 2025. This is to allow for necessary court maintenance. Organised croquet will resume with an Australia Day Tea, with social activities, followed by social golf play. This is a free afternoon and open to all who would like to join in or just come and watch. The starting time is 4.00pm. To assist with catering please message President Ashleigh 0409 323867 or Bev 0458 581627 by 21st January. Croquet is for everyone so why not make this year your time to give it a try. For more information, please call Ash or Bev. By Bev MURRAY Greg and Chris (Handicap Singles). Ash and Greg with Bev and Chris (Doubles). Ken Gosson (Cub Champion) and Runner-up Chris Sims.