Hawks Nest ladies golf

Winners N. Hansen, T. Hopley, J. Ervin, M. Lowry from Foster Tuncurry


On Friday 14th July the Hawks Nest Ladies hosted their annual Open day with 144 ladies playing from various clubs in NSW all playing an Irish team event. The day day began at 7.30 am with morning tea held on front decking of the Golf Club with a temperature of only 9 degrees so hot coffee and teas were most welcome as well as two hot dishes and lots of other goodies.

At 8.30 am with a shot gun start the game began. As well as NTPs and Longest Drives this year we held a Golden Shot on the short 10th Hole,

Par 3 with a $2.00 entry fee and winner NTP to win $100. The lucky and clever lady on the day was Margaret Pearson from Merewether.

By 9.30 am the weather had warmed up and by lunchtime it was a lovely 21 degrees with a beautiful sunny and warm winters day a great time was had by all.

We also welcomed Tracy Thomas & Pierce Collits from their new shop in Hawks Nest (Hunter Care Equipment). They were our main sponsors for the day and brought along a selection of items from their shop, some as donations for us to sell and also to show just what they have in stock.

All very handy items to make life easier for the older generation.

I personally was quite taken with the tilting hot water jug and press button can opener. Our other sponsor the year was Luck Love Design who have an on-line site (www.locklovedesign.com) and sell lovely unique individual ladies clothing.

This year the raffle consisted of two large boxes of goodies worth $200 and $150 respectively. Proceeds from this raffle go towards buying trophies for the ladies presentation and sub-sidizing our Christmas

luncheon, so we much appreciate all those who bought tickets this year.

Congratulations go to all team winners (4 x teams) as well to those who won other prizes.

Thanks of course go to the Pro Shop for all their help, the Green staff who keep our course in excellent condition, the Restaurant for the lunches, the cafe making mostly hot coffees and teas, the bar staff who are always kept busy with a smile for everyone, all helpers on the day as well as the ladies committee. Lastly not forgetting the ladies who made the morning teas and got up early to bring it along, well done

1st Place Nicole Hansen, Tonia Hopley, Janelle Ervin, Michelle Lowry
with 86 points from Foster Tuncurry

2nd Place Susan Wilkinson, Christine Spink, Tese Butler, Suzanne Gardner
with 83 points from Belmont

3rd Place Julia Bizant, Wendy Baker, Leonie McKibben, Jill Lavery with
82 points from Toronto/Newcastle Breakers

4th Place Kyle Matheson, Debra Matheson, Di Davis, Angela Clipperton

with 80 points from Wyong/Hawks Nest

NTP 3rd Hole: Div. 1 A. Stein Div. 2 M. Lowry Div. 3 S. Kruk

NtP 5th Hole: Div. 1 J. Nunn Div. 2 L. Sturt Div. 3 J. O’Grady

NTP 16th Hole: Div 1 D. Matheson Div. 2 E. Hoffman Div. 3 R. McCarthy

Longest Drive 4th Hole: Div. 1 M. Bryant Div. 2 J. Gillies Div. 3

C. Auckett

Longest Drive 14th Hole: Div. 1 A. Stein Div. 2 N. Fowler Div. 3

D. Watson

Balls went down to 74

Saturday 15th July 34 ladies played Single Stableford

Div. 1 1st: M. Mitchell 38 2nd J. Hammond 36c/b 3rd S. Kovacs 36

Div. 2 1st: D. Davis 37 2nd D. Wiggins 3rd S. Brownrigg 35

Balls went down to 28

NTP 10th Hole J. Hammond


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