Hawks Nest Ladies Golf Report

Monthly Medal Winners Maxine Mitchell, Di Bowes and Debbie Andrews.

AT LAST! A perfect autumn day for the Tuesday Ladies Competition! It seems like a long time since we’ve managed to get a full game played without storm and tempest to deal with, so Tuesday was a welcome ray of sunshine for the 40 ladies who teed off in the May Monthly Medal Round. Our numbers may have been down a little as the extraordinary weeks of heavy rain meant the course was still pretty wet, and unforgiving off the fairways in the velcro.

However, it was good to see that the dam has been topped up, with plenty of birdlife enjoying the high tide (though perhaps a few unhappy golfers who didn’t clear the water this time).

Results for Tuesday May 14th 2024 Stroke Round

A Grade: 1st Maxine Mitchell 73 C/B (best Nett score of the day): 2nd Anne-Marie French 73; 3rd Helen Haynes 75
B Grade: 1st Di Bowes 75 C/B; 2nd Sue Campton 75; 3rd Carol Maher 78

C Grade: 1st Debbie Andrews 75; 2nd Karen Serhan 79; 3rd Di Smith 81 C/B

Place Getters (75 -82): Carolyn Affleck, Kathy Griffiths, Ann Syme, Judy Benson, Annie Benton, Deb Dummett, Shaz Carter, Judy Gilbert, Rosarie Mullins, Deb Matheson and Denise Sainty.

Best Gross Scores:

A Grade: Helen Haynes 84; B Grade: Sue Campton 105; C Grade: Debbie Andrews 116.

There was no NTP this week, though plenty of ladies chipped in from off the greens today including Maxine Mitchell on the 14th for a birdie 4; Helen Haynes from the bunker on the 10th; and others by Karen Serhan, Judy Benson, Carol Maher and Donna Gorton. June Biddell was not quite so lucky when her ball was chewed up and spat out by one of the mowers!

Lady Vets 9 Hole Stableford Competition

1st Di Vercoe 12; 2nd Ann Browning 8 C/B; 3rd Robyn Richardson 8.

Congratulations to our Medal Winners for this month, and to all those who participated in today’s round.

Saturday 11th May’s fixture was washed out.

Thursday 16th May Lady Veterans Competition

Our luck held this week as another beautiful, dry day saw 51 ladies head out for our Thursday Vets 9 Hole event. In addition to our modified nett score leaderboard, this week was the Ladies Vet Trophy Round and the result could not have been closer. Our winner, with a score of 37 on a count back, was Marcia Smith with Annie Benton (37) as runner up. Congratulations Marcia!

Nett Results for today :

1st Jeanette Kemp with 3 C/B; 2nd Pat Marr 3; 3rd Liz Ross 5; 4th Marlene Stokes 7 C/B; 5th Jan Olsen 7
Chip Ins to Pam Keegan on the 15th and Annie Benton on the 4th.

Well played everyone!

Our Pennants Division 2 Scratch Team will contest their final match on Monday 27th May at Shortland Waters Golf Course. They finished at the top of the leaderboard in their division, and will give it everything in the Final – good luck Ladies! We’ll have a full report following the event.

By Dianne BOWES

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