Longriders Motorcycle Club bike show is this year in its 14th year

Rastes, Lurch, Roscoe, Budge, Wheels and Marcus at Tomago Bowling Club preparing for a big weekend
Rastes, Lurch, Roscoe, Budge, Wheels and Marcus at Tomago Bowling Club preparing for a big weekend

THE Annual Longriders Motorcycle Club bike show is this year in its 14th year, and will be celebrated for 2016 on Saturday 10 September.

The event is starting at 11am at Tomago Bowling Club.

The Longriders have been in the Heatherbrae/Newcastle area since 1998, and have a proud tradition of raising funds for charities – choosing new local groups to support each year.

This year’s charities that will benefit from the motorcycle club’s generosity and big hearts are ‘Charlie’s Run 4 Kids’ and ‘Soldier on’.

Kate Washington
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Charlie’s Run 4 Kids is a local running group that raises money for local families.

Their number one supporter, Charlie Carr, lost her battle with Neuroblastoma in April last year.

They continue to run for Charlie, and this year are also running for fifteen-year-old Jacob Cooper – who is currently undergoing treatment for A.L.L PH+ Leukemia.

Soldier On supports servicemen and women of the Australian Defence Force who have been physically or psychologically wounded in the service of their country.

Their vision is to have the world’s best care for Australia’s wounded soldiers, to help them to achieve the same hopes and dreams they had prior to their wounds.

The bike show is set to yet again be a huge event that has something for everyone.

Entry to the event is $5 and all proceeds go to charity.

Lucky door and raffle prizes to be won include 5 nights’ accommodation on the snow fields.

Activities planned for this big day out include; market stalls, kids rides, laughing clowns, slides, wood chopping demonstration, Taekwondo demonstrations, face painting, ice cream vans, coffee vans, air brush artists, pony rides, camel rides, food vans, huge motorbike display and much much more!

Please come along and support this wonderful group of men and their volunteers, family and helpers to raise as much money as possible for these charities.

For more information on the Longriders MC, please visit: http://www.longriders.com.au



By Rachael VAUGHAN


Rastes, Lurch, Roscoe, Budge, Wheels and Marcus with their Motorcycles
Rastes, Lurch, Roscoe, Budge, Wheels and Marcus with their Motorcycles


Three year old Xavier trying on a helmet for size with his new friend, Longrider member, Wheels.
Three year old Xavier trying on a helmet for size with his new friend, Longrider member, Wheels.

One thought on “Longriders Motorcycle Club bike show is this year in its 14th year

  1. The Longriders are a great bunch of blokes and are the real deal when it comes to blokes stepping up to be solid role models. They do a lot in our local community. There annual bike show is an awesome event connecting lots of the riding community.

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