Mark Hughes Foundation representatives visit Coffs Harbour

Visiting Coffs Harbour Cancer Institute, Mark Hughes with MHF Brain Cancer Care Coordinator for the Mid North Coast Health District, Nicole Allen and Professor Mike Fay, Chair and Centre Director at the University of Newcastle’s Mark Hughes Foundation Centre for Brain Cancer Research.

MARK Hughes, the founder of the Mark Hughes Foundation (MHF), paid a recent visit to the North Coast Cancer Institute.

Hughes, a former Newcastle Knights and NSW Origin rugby league player, visited the local Cancer Institute with Professor Mike Fay, MHF Chair and Centre Director, meeting MHF Brain Cancer Care Coordinator (BCCC) Nicole Allen, patients and hospital staff.

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The highly valued BCCCs are funded by the MHF and work across rural and regional NSW health districts, contributing to research projects led by the Centre Director, Professor Mike Fay.

Having been diagnosed with a Grade 3 Oligoastrocytoma brain cancer ten years ago, Mark began his fight for life and just one year later, with his wife Kirralee, set up the MHF in 2014.

To date the Foundation has raised close to $30 million and in 2022 MHF announced a $25 million Brain Cancer Research Centre at the University of Newcastle.

The purpose of Mark’s visit was to better understand patient experience and the challenges faced in the regional environment.

“On Tuesday I had the pleasure of touring Port Macquarie and Coffs Harbour along with Professor Mike Fay,” Mark told News Of The Area.

“We enjoyed an afternoon tea with patients and their families at the North Coast Cancer Institute in Coffs and it was just wonderful to visit our MHF Brain Cancer Care Coordinator, Nicole.

“To hear how grateful the patients and carers are to have MHF provide the care coordinator service to the Mid North Coast region and the amazing work Nicole is doing was really heart-warming.

“Meeting patients and seeing how Nicole operates first-hand really reinforces to me that all our hard work is making a real, genuine impact in the community,” he said.

“To have Mike come along and share the exciting projects the MHF Brain Cancer Research Centre has been working on, was really interesting for the oncologists and doctors and gave hope to the patients and their families.”

Mark and Professor Fay used the opportunity to gift the new 2023 MHF Beanies for Brain Cancer.

Lowes and IGA stores are stocking the beanies.

“June is Beanie Month so we’d really appreciate your help to reach our goal of $3.5 million this year for some ambitious research projects that will have far reaching benefits for brain cancer patients today and for generations to come.”

Other projects MHF has funded include a Brain Cancer Biobank, travel grants, multiple research projects around Australia including Fellowships and PhDs.

See for more information.


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