Medowie Football Club to host Trivia in July night at Raymond Terrace Bowling Club

Trivia organisers Rochelle Timony-Wright, Treasurer, Ebony Morris, Assistant Secretary and Rachel Moloney, Female Liaison.

ON Saturday July 29 Medowie Football Club will be holding a ‘Trivia in July’ night at Raymond Terrace Bowling Club.

The trivia night aims to raise key funds for the club to use where needed, such as for equipment purchases and upgrades.

The committee have been busy organising the event and approaching local businesses to help support the fundraiser through donations of goods or services to use as prizes on the night.

“So far we have had some really great prizes donated ranging from a Nespresso Lattissima One coffee machine and brand new refrigerator to family passes to some great locations around Port Stephens and the Hunter Valley,” said Ebony Morris, Assistant Secretary of Medowie Football Club.

“We have been delighted by the response of local businesses and can’t wait for a really successful and fun trivia night.”

Football is gaining popularity in Medowie, reflected by encouraging growth to the club’s player base.

“The Club is growing, along with Medowie,” added Medowie FC’s Rachel Moloney.

“We have our highest number of registered players this year, with 593 players ranging from under 6’s to over 35’s age groups.”

On the night the Club will be running six rounds of trivia, lucky door prizes, tombola raffles, toss a coin events and more.

If any businesses are interested in supporting this event, please get in touch with Medowie Football Club.

Tickets are still available and can be purchased via Sticky Tickets.


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