More delays for Tea Gardens Pool

The Tea Gardens Pool upgrade has once again been delayed. Work began in April 2022 and is now expected to be complete in mid-January.

MIDCOAST Council has expressed disappointment that the Tea Gardens pool upgrade has again been delayed, saying the project has been plagued by unforeseen issues.

Council claims the latest delay is due to the inability to secure the sub-contractors needed for the pool ramp tiling and plumbing.

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“We had hoped to see the pool open before Christmas but the reality is now a mid-January target for completion,” said Council’s Manager of Strategy and Projects, Amanda Hatton.

“However, we will continue to keep the community updated on this matter as it progresses.”

MidCoast Council is working with the Head Contractor to outsource and engage a suitable pool tiling specialist.

A lack of access and sub–contractor commitment from form and steel workers, and concreters throughout the project has contributed to the current delay.

Earlier this year, prolonged wet weather affected large machinery accessing the site.

Engineering issues including subsoil contamination, damage to the existing pool structure and undermined base layers only became evident after demolition works began.

“We are very disappointed that we have been unable to complete works and open the pool so far this season,” added Ms Hatton.

“We are looking forward to sharing a more inclusive facility with better accessibility for the Tea Gardens and Hawks Nest community once we work through the considerable issues that have delayed the project.”

The $700,000 improvement project includes the installation of a new access ramp, all-access shower and toilet, all-access pathways and upgrades to the existing amenities.

To stay updated on the project, head to

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