Mrs Kerry Carter retires at Bulahdelah Central School

FAREWELL: Teachers Mr Rob Brown and Mrs Kerry Carter.
FAREWELL: Teachers Mr Rob Brown and Mrs Kerry Carter.

TWO dedicated and long serving staff members have recently been farewelled from schools in the Myall Coast area.

Mrs Kerry Carter walked out of the school gates for the final time last week bringing her teaching career of more than 30 years at Bulahdelah Central School to a close.

Beginning as a casual teacher at the school in 1986, Mrs Cater was later appointed permanently as the Learning Support Teacher, a position she held for 22 years.

Mrs Carter said it has been a privilege to work with the students and their families.

“I’ve enjoyed watching the students grow, and helping them on their trail to complete the HSC or other ventures in life,” Mrs Carter said.

“It’s difficult to leave. There are students that you want to continue to watch grow and develop and it is very hard to detach yourself from a place that you have been in for so long.”

Mrs Carter said she will be kept busy spending time withfamily in Newcastle and Sydney and has plans for atrip to Europe later in the year.

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School Counsellor atTea Gardens Public and Bulahdelah Central Schools Mr Rob Browne,will be starting a new position at Callaghan College in the Newcastle area when school resumes next term.

Mr Browne said he has enjoyed working with both the students and staff at the schools over the past six years.

“One particular highlight of my job has been working one on one with students to help them increase their resilience and improve their engagement with school,” Mr Brownesaid.

“It has been an honour to work collaboratively with the teachers who have a great relationship with the students and I’m proud to see children that I’ve worked with reach such high potential.”

Mr Browne, who lives in Tea Gardens with his family, said although he is changing schools he has no plans to leave the area just yet.

“Our family love living in Tea Gardens so much that we can’t decide to move, it’s such a wonderful place,” he said.



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