Myall Masters Swimming Club held annual Presentation Night of Awards

Club President Leon Bobako with award recipients Chris Lock, Steve Rees, Jo Collins and Shane O’Connor.

MYALL Masters Swimming Club concluded another successful summer with the annual Awards Presentation and Dinner on 4 April.

Amidst great hospitality and fine food and wine provided by Tillermans’ Kerry and Peter Hodges and staff, 41 members, partners and friends congregated to honour several awardees.

New Head Coach Sharon Taylor presented the ‘Certificate of Encouragement’ to Joanne Collins, Shane O’Connor and Doug Gillespie (unfortunately unable to attend).

Club President Leon Bobako presented the ‘Swimmer of the Year Award’ to Chris Lock, recognising his most successful year in his 40-year Masters career.

“Swimming is my love and the core enjoyment of my life,” said Mr Lock, who, among other achievements, won three golds and two silvers at the NSW Long Course, held at Sydney Olympic Pool on 1 and 2 April.

The valued ‘Club Member Award’ went to Steve Rees, after holding numerous positions this past year, including Club Captain and the all-encompassing Swim Meet Director.

“Steve has contributed outstanding and valuable service to our Club and always inspires and encourages members with his words and deeds,” Christine Dunning, Publicity Officer for the Masters, told NOTA.

“The Myall Masters’ season had a challenging start, using an alternate training venue at Raymond Terrace, with the Tea Gardens Pool’s opening delayed by the new accessibility ramp installation,” noted Club President Leon Bobako.

Mr Bobako commended The Y Pool management leader Mel Morgan, “Who did her best to accommodate our training sessions due to staff difficulties.”

The Club also wishes to extend thanks to their energetic and “can do” Social Secretary Kerry Patterson for organising a very successful and social night at Tillermans.

The Club’s AGM on Wednesday 5 April saw Ann O’Brien retired as Club Secretary, thanked for her tireless efforts and contributions over the past two years, welcoming Jo Collins to the post.

All other office-bearers were re-elected under the guidance of President Leon Bobako.

By Thomas O’KEEFE

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