OPINION: Lack of detail on Voice not PM’s fault

DEAR News Of The Area,

THE points raised by Dr Hunter a couple of issues ago were well made and necessary.

There is one more though, that counts for misinformation and an only slightly hidden agenda.

When the arch-conservative white wingers claim that the Prime Minister is at fault for not
disclosing just how the Voice would work, it is for the purpose of discrediting the PM, so that in the event of a “no” vote success, claims of incompetence can be made, together with demands to vote him out and vote us in!

After all, we are the only people who know how to run the country!

In my opinion, the Voice can never be a gutter politics matter.

It is a humanitarian decision properly to be made by the whole of the Australian population.

Here is the fact though.

It is not the privilege of the PM to tell us how the Voice would work, that privilege belongs to the whole of Parliament.

It is necessary that the whole of Parliament determines this matter, for the sake of avoiding future ugly partisan political disruptions to the consultative process of Voice/Parliament negotiations.

And if the PM did have that privilege, it would be a first in the history of our Constitution.

It is also worthy of note that referendum votes have never spelled out the “how” of any process,
only the “what”.

Warwick NICHOLS,
Tea Gardens.

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