OPINION: Mark Graham treatment unacceptable in a democratic society

DEAR News Of The Area,

WHY would the Riot Squad be required to do a bail check on Mark Graham at 9.59pm and more to the point, is it the job of the Public Order Riot Squad to check bail conditions at all.

What is happening in our town?

Mark Graham is a conservationist and he has made us aware of the ecological importance of our forests, the excess logging in our forests and also the decline of the koala population.

This is his job and I feel grateful to him.

I was appalled when I read the article in NOTA’s edition (March 31) of the intimidation of Mark Graham by men in uniform, with torches, creeping around in his yard at night.

For whatever reason the riot squad deemed it necessary, such action is not acceptable in a democratic, civilised society.

When one man gets such a reaction from authorities by drawing attention to what is happening in our forests, one must wonder just what this is all about and what else is yet to be uncovered.

Bernadette BREBNER,
Coffs Harbour.

3 thoughts on “OPINION: Mark Graham treatment unacceptable in a democratic society

  1. Thank you Bernadette Brebner for cutting to the chase and making this issue crystal clear. Since when does this kind of intimidation take place in a Democratic Society? Shades of Friendly Jordie’s producer Kristo Langker being arrested by special task force under the behest of former National Party Deputy Premier John Barilaro and while NSW Police dropped all charges the initial intent was more than obvious. Intimidation. The public should be privy as to who was responsible for ordering this “bail check” and the reasons why. If their intent was to somehow embarrass Mr Graham in the eyes of the public let me assure them it failed. I’ve never felt more respect or stronger support for Mr Graham and his efforts to protect our unique and threatened natural heritage.

  2. Our Country has been sold out to the point that these private sectors can be hired at will intimidating innocent people with violent tactics. We support you Mark and are so greatful for the information you share, the time and effort of contribution furthermore your courage to not give up.

  3. I live further up the coast and I had NO idea this had happened to Mr Graham. How appalling & damn outrageous , that such a ‘citizen hero’ should be treated like a dangerous terrorist.I believe Mr Graham is a highly aware /educated an informed citizen when it comes to the corruption /illegal activities (under their OWN regulations) and strong arm tactics of the Forest Industry. I guess this says it all ? What a national disgrace this is , to be treating a NATIONAL hero as some kind of criminal. If not for forest activists we would have NO native forests remaining. What does this tell you about the unsustainable / tax payer subsidised and corrupt behaviour of a dangerous ‘cartel’ of what I would call thugs ?

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