Parklets Find New Home In Karuah

Mayor Ryan Palmer toasting the parklets at their launch in Shoal Bay. Photo: Marian Sampson.

THE parklets which caused such angst at Shoal Bay are being welcomed at Karuah.

The local community is repurposing the structures which, along with planters, are hoped will become a highlight of a renewed and vibrant town centre.

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The project has been made possible through a small grant from Port Stephens Council.

Port Stephens Councillor Jason Wells told News Of The Area, “It’s great to see the community work so well with Council staff to repurpose these resources to benefit the Karuah main street, the impact is set to be amazing.

“The project really helps to set the tone of Karuah as a vibrant and welcoming town.

“This is only the start of community-led projects in Karuah.

“I am a strong advocate for the current place making processes that were implemented in Karuah by council and which have led to the Karuah Place Plan.

“It gives the community guidance and direction and it gives the council a clear picture of what the community needs and desires.

“The success of the Kaurah Place Plan is reliant on an active and passionate community – and this great town has plenty of this!”

“The hard work of the community should be applauded and I trust this passion for the community will flow through to future projects in the town.”

In a true community effort, volunteers have helped to get things happening already and the parklets will be refreshed in the colours selected for the future look and feel for Karuah.

The local team at NSW Rural Fire Service also got behind the effort to make the town shine by pressure cleaning the pavements.

The team at Albert Johnson Mining Timber Specialists are also working hard, and the Link and Lock timbers they create for the mining industry will be used as planter boxes.

Wild Weedz are currently storing the parklets and it is hoped that they will be refurbished and installed by mid-October in time for the Karuah Timber and Oyster Festival.

More volunteers are needed for painting and planting and to help show the pride that Karuah has in its town centre.


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