Spanish legend plays flamenco at Grafton

Paco Lara, a Spanish guitar virtuoso hailing from Jerez, the heartland of flamenco, pays Jetty Theatre next month. Photos: CONTRIBUTED.

THIS August the Jetty Theatre brings the passion, power and ‘duende’ of world-class flamenco to Coff Harbour.

‘Duende’ loosely translates to “having soul’ or “a heightened state of emotion, expression or heart” and is fully embodied by Paco Lara, a Spanish guitar virtuoso of both traditional and contemporary Flamenco hailing from Jerez, the heartland of flamenco.

Lara plays masterfully, intensely communicating the emotion, fire and drama and cante jondo (“profound” or “deep” songs) style of the genre.

Joining Lara onstage is Byron Mark on percussion and piano, and flamenco dancer Deya Miranda Giner, bringing further depth and fully immersing the audience in the art form.

On the Saturday after the performance Paco Lara is presenting a unique workshop introducing the art of flamenco and its cultural history, a wonderful blend of entertainment and education.

Workshop participants will learn how all the different elements relate to each other through a routine combining guitar and percussion working together with dance and song.

Attendees can join in with the flamenco guitar, cajon or flamenco dance.

Flamenco is a powerful and artful form of music, don’t miss your chance to see one of the world’s best when Paco Lara comes to town on August 4 and 5 at the Jetty Theatre.

For tickets go to or phone (02) 6648 4930 between Tuesday and Friday from noon to 4pm.

Paco Lara will also present workshops the day after his performance in dance and guitar playing.

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