Street Talk: Australia Day in Port Stephens FEATURED Nelson Bay (Tomaree Peninsula areas) by News Of The Area - Modern Media - January 26, 2017 “Living overseas for many years, amongst many nationalities, makes you realise how laid back Australians are. We are a unique and wonderful people. Or CLICK FOR ADVERT QUOTE Australia is stunningly beautiful and we are so lucky to live here. Australia Day is a day to celebrate the uniqueness of our
Word On The Street – What does Australia Day mean to you? Medowie, Ferodale, Campvale by News Of The Area - Modern Media - January 26, 2017September 23, 2019 We hit the streets this week, on the eve of Australia Day, asking locals ‘What does Australia Day mean to you?” “Australia Day to me means let’s celebrate the day we invaded this country and took away the indigenous Australians rights and autonomy in their own country, considering them in the
Alligators in Nelson Bay for Australia Day Nelson Bay (Tomaree Peninsula areas) by NOTA - January 20, 2017 Australia day revellers at Nelson Bay will be treated to a truly amazing experience to help celebrate the event’s 20th anniversary on Thursday, 26 January. Along with the many and varied activities at Fly Point, this year will feature for the first time ever seen in the Bay a visit from
Plan Your Australia Day in Port Stephens Medowie, Ferodale, Campvale Nelson Bay (Tomaree Peninsula areas) Port Stephens LGA by NOTA - January 18, 2017 With momentum growing for Australia’s day of nationhood celebration to change, the public holiday has become increasingly controversial in recent years. However, the fact remains that it is a gazetted public holiday that in many ways marks the end of the Australian summer, with students going back to school in the