Tea Gardens Women’s Bowling Club

Celebration time.

TUESDAY 28th May: A good turn up of members for bowls today, all keen for a game of bowls and more importantly to celebrate our Grade 3 Pennant team’s winning of TGWBC first State Pennant Team Flag. A” surprise” morning tea for our history making bowlers followed by a march through a guard of honour on the green. Many thanks to our invited guests Lyn Humprhies (TGWBC Patron) and Dorothy Thompson (TGWBC Life Member) for attending.

Following the festivities all enjoyed a game of bowls, format for play 4 games of 3 bowls Triples 18 ends, results as follows. A big win to Vicki McMillan, Preccy Swaddling and Gay Pezet 22 v Danni Smith, Kris MacDonald and Dot Dallas 10. Sheila Rattray (Swinger Lead), Maryanne Cuss and Sandra Leisemann had a close contest until the second last end v Sheila, Dawn May and Lynda Richards here Lynda’s team scored a 5, now heading into the last end with a 8 shot lead and ultimately winning the game 19 v 12. Irene Roberts, Judi Polak and Judy McGavock by the 14th end were in front by 11 points (17 v 6) bowling against Jean Glover, Ingrid Luck and Karen Green. Karen’s ladies won the next 4 ends adding 10 points to their tally and just losing by 1 point, 17 v 16, a great comeback story. Lyn Nightingale, Dawn Jones and Dale Winter led all the way defeating Bev Harrington, Jan Coomer and Lorraine Murphy 22 v 14. The winners on the day winning with the lowest score were Irene, Judi and Judy. Vicki McMillan won the raffle many thanks to The Garden Eatery for donating the raffle prize.

Thursday 30th May: Six members enjoyed a “roll up” numbers down as TGWBC had 3 teams of Fours bowling at a Ladies Fours carnival at Tuncurry unfortunately no story to report of wins from there.

Coming events: Tuesday 4th June Round 1 (Semi Final) of the Club Minor Pairs Competition with the Final of this event to be held on Thursday 6th June, followed by the Presentation and lunch.


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