Well-deserving Landcare volunteers receive annual awards

Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare executive committee members and all nominees for the annual recognition awards.

CHEERS of “Hear! Hear!” emanated out from those gathered at the annual Coffs Harbour Regional Landcare Awards last week, with many dedicated volunteers recognised for their multi-layered work for various Landcare groups.

Almost 80 members and visitors attended the presentation at the North Coast Botanic Garden in Coffs Harbour on Thursday 9 November.

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All three awards received a great number of nominations, requiring serious deliberation by the judges to name the most notable amongst these Landcare legends.

Graham Tupper from Emerald Beach Dunecare won the Eileen Moody Award, acknowledged for his individual achievements.

A popular Landcarer, Graham has embraced a welcome leadership role in both his local Landcare area and wider community with professionalism and enthusiasm since arriving in 2019.

He has shown the ability to grasp on-site priorities, to plan restoration work, and grow local volunteer membership, as well as develop, employ and enhance the range of services available to other participant Landcare groups.

Emerald Beach Dunecare won the Dee Wallace Award, which recognises a Coffs Coast Landcare volunteer group for its direct contribution to rehabilitating the environment.

Emerald Beach Dunecare is a long-standing, active group with a community focus, committed to natural area conservation.

Volunteers have achieved fantastic results in rehabilitating a large area of the Emerald Beach foreshores, by proactively engaging with site contractors and the National Parks and Wildlife Service.

They also host regular weed blitzes and just recently facilitated a working day with 20 South Pacific Islander Costa Berry workers as part of Costa’s wellbeing program.

Dave Wood was named the winner of the Pia Dollmann Award, which celebrates an individual, group, organisation or business who has significantly contributed to conservation and sustainability in the Coffs region.

Dave works tirelessly to network and pursue fact finding to assist in his rehabilitation efforts of whatever project he is working on.

In recent times this has included the rehabilitation of Boambee Headland, saving Lot 2 in Sawtell from development, building community support for the Great Koala National Park and his latest project of saving Grandpa’s Scrub.

Local conservationist Ashley Love was guest speaker at the awards event, covering his predictions for the region’s conservation, noting amongst other points the development of the Great Koala National Park and the advantages of using drones in spotting koalas, gliders, possums and owls.

Landcare President Barry Powells thanked two Life Members, Ron Smith and Desnee McCosker, for their attendance and continued work in protecting the environment.

Barry also thanked the City of Coffs Harbour’s Coastal Works team.

“They do fantastic work for us; they are unsung heroes.

“Council plays a significant role in accessing the environment levy funding which is the main driving force for keeping us (Landcare) alive,” he said.

Barry thanked Cr Tony Judge for stepping in for Mayor Paul Amos who was called away on Council business on the day.

Anyone interested in finding out about their local Landcare group and offering a few volunteer hours, please contact Mel Craig, CHRL coordinator on 02 66511308 or email Projects@coffsharbourlandcare.org.au.


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