Yarrahapinni Walkers celebrate their 27th year

Grassy Head Beach, the initial location for the walkers 27 years ago.

LAST Sunday, 12 May, in gloriously refreshing sunshine, the Yarrahapinni Walkers celebrated their 27th year of rambling with a walk along Grassy Head Beach and morning tea at the reserve.

The group was instigated in May 1997 at Grassy Head Beach by Heather Johnson, Ruby Lenane and Gwen Harradine.

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Regular walks are still being organised by Noel Harradine, Gwen’s son, and are weekly scheduled for Thursday and Sunday mornings, where the group gathers at different designated starting points at 8am.

The walks often conclude with a casual morning tea to celebrate members birthdays, and regularly coincide with the Funkya @ Unkya markets.

Be it a beach location, a fire trail, a country road or a local town, the walkers take in a variety of environments and locations, with walks in May leaving from Clybucca, Yarrahapinni, Eungai Creek and Eungai Rail.

“Come and join us to meet new friends and improve your health and fitness,” walker Lyn Maloney invites.

“It is a lovely way to get your exercise and to enjoy our local area.

“Walkers of all ages are welcome.”

You can find the upcoming walks listed on the ‘Yarrahapinni Walkers’ Facebook page.


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