Annual Indonesian Day at Scotts Head Public School

The student cohort gathered under the welcomed new outdoor shelter.

SCOTTS Head Public School proudly runs the only specialised bilingual Indonesian program in NSW, where all students are taught ‘bahasa’ Indonesia for approximately four hours per week, integrated with other learning areas such as geography, history and performing arts.

Each year the school organises a special whole-school celebration to showcase Indonesian language and culture, and this year they featured cultural games and group activities in mixed-age groups during the morning, followed by a delicious lunch of ‘nasi kuning dan sate’ (yellow rice and satay).

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During playtime there was an opportunity to have fun with dress-ups and signs in an Indonesian ‘photo booth’ where the students had a great time posing with masks, fans, traditional clothing and cut-out speech bubbles.

After lunch, younger students learnt about the folktale of ‘Kancil dan Harimau’ (Mousedeer and the Tiger) and made paper tiger puppets to take home while older students competed in a team trivia challenge all about Indonesia, with tasty Indonesian sweets for prizes.

At the end of the day, the whole school came together for a special performance in the new outdoor area where each class performed an Indonesian song or dance, using a variety of costumes, props and instruments to impress the audience of friends and family.

Language teacher Emily Brien (BU Emi) commented, “Indo Day 2023 was a great success, thanks to the hard work of the Indonesian teaching team Pak Karl and Pak Mur and the support of all the staff who stepped in to help with games, catering and supervision.

“It is hoped that fun hands-on activities like this will help build cultural awareness and motivate students to continue learning the language of one of our closest neighbours, Indonesia.”

The staff, students and visitors were pleased to learn and share a wonderful Indonesian phrase, ‘Terima kasih’ (thank you).


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