Foodways in Medowie share the real cost of living with our local and federal politicians

Rev Adam Cook and Kate Washington (Local MP for Port Stephens)
Rev Adam Cook and Kate Washington (Local MP for Port Stephens)


NOW more than ever working families are financially struggling.

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Not just during Christmas but all year round, and there are no signs of it easing.

Manager of Foodways, Rev Adam Cook said, “We have noticed over the last two years in our food distribution program an increase of working couples coming to use our services.”

“After paying the bills, there is not enough money to buy food for the kids.”

Foodways provides ongoing support to 1300 families, with 50 to 70 families using the services weekly.

They also prepare and provide 300 to 400 meals each week and provide long life and fresh foods.

Rev Cook attributes much of the increase in support required to the ever rising cost of living, in particular electricity.

Rev Cook said, “I am really encouraged to hear of any initiative to reduce the cost of living for everyday Australians.”

Local MP Kate Washington and Shadow Minister for Energy and Climate Change Adam Searle MLC both made time to visit with Rev Cook during the week.

“Soaring electricity prices and the rising cost of living is having a real impact in Port Stephens. The increasing number of local families relying on food charities to survive shows just how bad this issue is,” Ms Washington said.

In addition to the rising cost of living, Rev Cook also illustrated to both Ms Washington and Mr Searle the devastating effects the introduction of national food charity organisations has had on groups like Foodways.

The national organisations take the food previously donated from local chain stores and redistribute it away from the local area.

Providing photographs from a time prior to their implementation, Rev Cook allowed both parliamentary members to see for themselves.

Rev Cook said, “Unless action is taken, the poverty line will continue to grow. The standard of living will drop, for some people, electricity will be a luxury.”

“I urge all sides of politics to make this a priority.”


By Kelly MAY

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