Grassy Head Plant Nursery supporting conservation efforts

The Grassy Head Nursery Trust.

THE Coastal Plant Propagation Centre at Grassy Head Plant Nursery supports local dune care groups, and as a result of the recent fire and flooding events, also provides plants for land care revegetation.

Established in 1975, the Nursery currently operates as a self-sufficient Crown Land Trust with facilities catering for workshops and a soil conservation educational unit, all powered by solar panels.

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Twice a week, on Tuesday and Friday mornings, volunteers descend on the crown land location, which is accessed via a drive through the Grassy Head Caravan Park and get to work on various projects.

NOTA met with the secretary/treasurer, Moira Ryan and onsite groundsman, Vince Overton at the spacious workshop meeting room where Moira explained the importance of native plant propagation.

“As a Reserve Trust we identify threatened species and collect plants and seeds for propagation which in time are provided to conservation groups, and we also have a wide variety of tube stock available for sale to the public,” Moira said.

Vince was keen to mention the proximity to the ocean.

“It’s good to be so close to the ocean, you just take a short stroll over the dune and it’s right there ready for a swim.”

Moira pointed out the need for more general maintenance of the nursery grounds and she said that their small, yet dedicated team could use more helpers.

“We would love to welcome more volunteers to the nursery.”

For volunteering or facility bookings information, contact Moira on 0421 911 294.


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