Nambucca Heads Mens Shed Officially Reopens

Nambucca Valley Mayor, Rhonda Hoban OAM, cuts the ribbon and declares the Nambucca Heads Mens Shed officially reopened with the President of the Nambucca Heads Mens Shed, Mr John Kent OAM, by her side.

AFTER many years of hard work by a dedicated few and the goodwill of a wonderful community, the Nambucca Heads Mens Shed was officially reopened last weekend on its new site at 2 Railway Street, Nambucca Heads, the former site of the Volunteer Rescue Association.

The day also marked the 11th anniversary of existence for Nambucca Heads Mens Shed Inc.

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Attendees assembled for a short, but meaningful opening ceremony where the president of the Nambucca Heads Mens Shed, John Kent OAM, addressed the gathering.

Mr Kent related how, in 2011, he and Wally Wallbank were asked by a couple of men from the Nambucca Valley Shed, which was moving to Macksville, if they could help in setting up a shed in Nambucca, resulting in the incorporation of the Nambucca Heads Mens Shed 12 months later.

They then set about applying for grants to set up in their rented premises in the industrial estate and were successful in a grant application through the Department of Veterans Affairs for $30,000.

With an adjoining shed built at the site, the new Nambucca Heads Mens Shed is a better ‘fit-for-purpose’ facility than the previous location.

Mr Kent told News Of The Area, “when these premises were vacated by the VRA we were notified by council and lodged an expression of interest, which was successful.

“With these new premises we can continue to provide camaraderie, which I believe is good for overall wellbeing, and reduce the isolation felt by many men in the community.”

Officiating at the opening ceremony was Nambucca Valley Mayor, Rhonda Hoban, who cut the ribbon and declared the new premises open.

The mayor told News Of The Area, “The Mens Shed movement is very important, particularly here in the Nambucca Valley, being a socially disadvantaged area, and is much more than a place to come and tinker, it is about social connections that benefit mental health and wellbeing.”

Also attending the opening was the Member for Oxley, Michael Kemp, who said, “with the increased awareness we now have regarding men’s health, both mental and physical health, Mens Sheds are certainly a place where men can interact with others, learn news skills and even open up about their health, which men are traditionally reluctant to do.”

Mr Kent concluded that it would not have been possible to have the new premises without the support of DVA, the former and current Federal Members for Cowper, Luke Hartsuyker and Pat Conaghan, the former and current Members for Oxley, Melinda Pavey and Michael Kemp. Mayor Hoban and councillors, Chris Thompson – general manager council, the Australian Men’s Shed Assoc, Nambucca Heads RSL Sub Branch, Nambucca Heads RSL Club Ltd, Nambucca Heads Bowling Club, Lions Club of Nambucca Heads, Nambucca Valley and Coffs Harbour Rotary Clubs, Woolworths Nambucca Heads, Commonwealth Bank, Brad Locke constructions, Macksville Men’s Shed, HLV Accounting, Kara Kar and Nambucca Building and Hardware, with special thanks to Ms Jill Astley.


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