Soldiers Point Lawn Bowls

Pennant Team: B Arnold, D.Tarrant, P. Russell, T.Antram, M.Watt, W.Shipley, C.Ramage, B.Ahoy, D.Clarke, M.Sheppard, M.Beesley and T.Hinton.

SOLDIERS POINT Bowling Club entered six Pennant Teams in this year’s Newcastle Zone Open Pennants.

This is the main Inter-Club competition with some 80 male and female Sold Pt bowlers participating.

The First Grade Team topped their section, giving them two lives in the Zone Final at Hamilton.

However, the Team narrowly lost its first match to Raymond Terrace – the Jets!

Soldiers Point then beat Beresfield meaning they had to play the Jets again in the Grand Final.

Soldiers Point then had a convincing win-68 shots to 41-with all three rinks winning comprising skips T. Antram, M. Beesley and A.Glesson.

The Soldiers Point Sixth Grade Team also won a Pennant Flag in a dramatic victory-more details next week!

This is the first time for many years that the club has won two Pennant flags and club President Steve congratulated all players for this achievement.

By Peter SMITH

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